Monday, November 16, 2009

Banana Heart

Banana heart, or jantung pisang..the shape is as what you see. I always heard people are saying body shape of jantung pisang.....hmmm is the same as what you see? I believe it must refer to the their wings always position themself in front of the body with slightly open up a little. the body must be like a banana heart shape which indicating a "slim body builder".

Hope one my chicks when grow bigger would carry this kind of dream...mimpi siang kot noh..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Anak Naga

Today, after nearly 21 days the lady of dragon incubated the eggs, they hatched successfully with 6 chicks running around. Kind of unbelievable as i thought they would not be any of them, reason is never seen them made love. Even i had to buy a remaja chick in case i could not get those eggs hatched.
HHmmm, the father must be very strong as out of 7 eggs, 6 of them hatched, considering he is the first timer.